It's a winter wonderland outside and although it is beautiful, it can be dangerous when ice is present. Many times, people fall on the ice and did not even know it was there. Falling can result in sprain, strains and more seriously broken bones. Here are a few tips to avoid injury from falling this winter:
*Wear comfortable shoes with a rubber or non-skid sole.
Although "fancy" shoes look nice, it is important to wear a shoe that gives you traction and keeps you steady on your feet.
*Pay attention to your surroundings.
When walking outside this winter, pay attention to uneven ground and obstacles that may get in your way.
*Keep areas outside of your house well lit.
Use outdoor lights to improve your vision while getting and out of your car or home, especially if steps are present.
*Slow down!
Take your time when walking in winter weather. If you are rushing, you may fail to see patches of ice. Also, walking at faster speeds may increase the likelihood of falling.
*Stay strong and flexible
It is important to perform regular physical activity to maintain the strength and flexibility you need to avoid injuries. If you currently exercise, keep it up. If you do not currently perform regular physical activity and are interested in obtaining instruction in an individualized exercise program, please call for an appointment with one of our physical therapists.
If you are experiencing unsteadiness or have fallen in the past, you should with a physical therapist to improve balance, strength, flexibility and coordination. Don't wait until you fall and get injured! Call for an appointment today!!
*Wear comfortable shoes with a rubber or non-skid sole.
Although "fancy" shoes look nice, it is important to wear a shoe that gives you traction and keeps you steady on your feet.
*Pay attention to your surroundings.
When walking outside this winter, pay attention to uneven ground and obstacles that may get in your way.
*Keep areas outside of your house well lit.
Use outdoor lights to improve your vision while getting and out of your car or home, especially if steps are present.
*Slow down!
Take your time when walking in winter weather. If you are rushing, you may fail to see patches of ice. Also, walking at faster speeds may increase the likelihood of falling.
*Stay strong and flexible
It is important to perform regular physical activity to maintain the strength and flexibility you need to avoid injuries. If you currently exercise, keep it up. If you do not currently perform regular physical activity and are interested in obtaining instruction in an individualized exercise program, please call for an appointment with one of our physical therapists.
If you are experiencing unsteadiness or have fallen in the past, you should with a physical therapist to improve balance, strength, flexibility and coordination. Don't wait until you fall and get injured! Call for an appointment today!!