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Showing posts from August, 2018
INGROWN TOENAIL: What you need to know An ingrown toenail is curved and grows in the skin nail fold causing irritation. Patient’s usually described it as “digging in” of the nail into skin, often causing pain, redness and swelling if present for a long time. Ingrown toenail occurs in all aged groups, but more likely in teenagers. If the toenail causes a break in the skin, bacteria may enter and cause an infection. Infection signs to look out for include: redness, swelling, warmth, bad odor and drainage. Ingrown toenail can also be present in the absence of infection when the curved nail elicits pain. There are many causes of ingrown toenails: heredity, wrong shoe size, fungal or thick toenail or incorrect trimming. Therefore, some ideas to prevent ingrown toenails include proper trimming of the nail in a straight line while not cutting it too short. Also, you should wear well-fitted shoes and socks that prevent pressure on the toes while active. However, if you ...