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Showing posts from May, 2011
Dayton is home to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (WBAFB) and each September, it is also home base for the Air Force Marathon. This year the marathon is scheduled for Saturday, September 17, and registration is open to all runners 18 and older. Many Dayton and Springfield area runners participate in the full marathon, half marathon, or 5k – and many will do so without properly preparing their feet for the race. Whether you are training for a marathon or just starting a running program, it is important that you take good care of your feet and get them ready for the distance you are covering. Here are some tips to help you do just that: Cover three-quarters of the distance you’d be running before the race. That doesn’t necessarily mean you should run it – you can definitely walk it instead of run – but your feet should know what that distance is going to feel like. That way you’ll get a sense of whether to expect blisters, chafing or another type of irritation prior to race day and c...

Can a Foot Doctor Help With Back Pain?

Those of us involved in podiatry on a day to day basis know that problems with your feet can often be indicative of conditions that one would not normally associate with the feet. Diabetes is a prime example of a condition that at first glance many people don’t realize heavily impacts the feet. But did you know that certain types of back, hip or leg pain could also potentially be caused by an issue with your feet? For example, if you have lower back pain, you may have what is known as Morton’s Toe/Morton’s Foot. Morton’s Toe/Morton’s Foot is defined by a long second metatarsal and it could potentially be responsible for what is causing you pain. This condition can not only cause pain in the lower back area, but it can also cause pain throughout the body. There is an easy examination the doctor can do to determine whether you may have Morton’s Toe/Morton’s Foot. And the good news is that with Morton’s Toe/Morton’s Foot, you don’t have to live with the chronic pain. Treatment options ...

Custom Orthotics vs. Drugstore Orthotics

Many people can benefit from utilizing orthotics – from those looking to get a jump on the competition by increasing their endurance or improving their athletic performance to those looking to simply restore balance, alleviate foot fatigue and prevent a range of foot problems from occurring in the future. Orthotics are anatomically molded devices developed to better support the foot. Worn under the heel and arch of your foot, they can relieve not only foot pain, but leg and back pain as well by alleviating some of the causes of the problems. Orthotics are a great solution for many people. While there are orthotic inserts you can pick up at a drugstore near you, honestly they don’t work as well as custom orthotics because they aren’t developed specifically for your feet. Custom orthotics are custom made devices created from an actual cast and mold of your foot taken by a foot doctor. They essentially realign the foot to control abnormal motion, which can help correct for any imbalan...

Friday Foot Fact #6

The size of your foot is just about the same size as your forearm - from wrist to elbow. Bonus fact: Your height is just about the same as your 'wingspan' - which is the distance from fingertip to fingertip if you were to raise your arms out to your sides at shoulder height to form a T. (Of course that last one wasn't a foot fact, but pretty neat nonetheless!)

Put a Little Spring in Your Step

We've had a wet April here in the Dayton and Springfield areas, so it appears that sandal season is starting a bit later this year than in others. If your feet aren't quite in top shape, here are some tips from the American Podiatric Medical Association to get you there. 1. Soak the feet with warm water for at least 10 minutes. Footnote: APMA recommends adding Epson salt, herbal soaks or oils for additional relaxation. 2. Remove thickened, dead skin build up (also known as calluses) around the presoaked heels, balls and sides of the feet with a pumice stone or foot file. Foot note: APMA advises not using a razor because it removes too much skin and can easily cause infection or permanent damage to the skin if used incorrectly. 3. Use an exfoliating scrub on the soles, sides and tops of the feet to eliminate dry, flaky winter skin. Footnote: Try Pedinol’s Hydrisalic Gel, which holds the APMA Seal of Approval. 4. Apply and massage a healthy amount of emollient‐enriched sk...